After signing up the new account at Upmetrics, you will be redirected to workspaces page.

Step 1:

On workspaces page, if you do not have created any workspace yet, system will ask to Create New Workspace

OR you can click on "+" button which is on the left side to Create New Workspace.

Step 2

Enter the Workspace Name, and click on "CREATE" button.

Step 3:

After Creating new workspace, you will be redirected to "Workspace Setup" page, where you can add 

  • workspace profile pic, 
  • workspace name,
  • country-currency details.

After entering this details, Click on "NEXT" button.

Step 4:

In this step, you can invite members to your workspace to collaborate.

Enter the email address in "Search or Invite Members.." input to invite new member.

*You can invite member later as well.

Step 5:

After done with the invite new member, click on Finish button and system will redirect you to Workspace apps page.

From this page, you can create 

  • Business planning
  • Financial Planning
  • Canvas Modeling
  • Pinboard
  • Workspace Settings

After successfully creating your workspace, you can start your business planning.
Click here to learn about how to get started with business planning.