You can cancel your subscription at anytime on upmetrics. We will remove your data permanently after few months once you cancel your subscription.

So If you wish to take a break from planning, we recommend you to pause your subscription instead of cancelling it.

However, to cancel your subscription, please follow the below steps.

Step 1:

Navigate to the subscription page from left side menu.

On this page, you will see your active plan.

Step 2:

Click on CANCEL link displayed on active plan.

Step 3:

System will ask for confirmation when you click on CANCEL link.

Click on "CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION" to cancel your subscription.

Step 4:

Once you confirm, system will schedule your subscription to be cancelled at the end of your billing period.

Meanwhile, you can access all your data on application.

However, you can always resubscribe your subscription by just clicking on "RESUBSCRIBE" button.